
《开膛手的复仇[电影解说]》是英国 上映的一部优秀的电影解说 影视解说 类型影视作品,主要演员有:克里斯·贝尔 Rachel Warren 艾维安娜·斯诺 《开膛手的复仇[电影解说]》剧情简介:

  One year on from the notorious "Jack The Ripper" murders, the killings have stopped, but the identity of the killer remains a mystery. Down-at-heel newspaper reporter Sebastian Stubb has moved on to reporting on other scandals, but when a new "Ripper" letter appears on his desk and the killings start again, he unwittingly finds himself at the center of a new mystery. Has the "Ripper" returned, or is it a copycat killer? Or something else entirely?




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