权欲 第二季剧情简介

《权欲 第二季》是美国 上映的一部优秀的剧情 犯罪 欧美剧 美剧 欧美 类型影视作品,主要演员有:欧玛瑞·哈德威克 娜图里·劳顿 约瑟夫·斯科拉 亚当·胡斯 露西·沃特斯 50分 大卫·弗莫洛 凯瑟琳·纳杜奇 Kathrine Narducci 弗兰基·G Franky G 维克多·加博 Victor Garber 恩里克·穆西安诺 Enrique Murciano 卢卡斯·萨尔瓦尼奥 Lucas Salvagno 伊丽莎白·罗德里格斯 黛比·摩根 索尼亚·瓦格尔 杰米·埃克托 尚恩·约翰逊 J·R·拉米雷斯 拉拉·瓦斯奎兹 Vinicius Machado Jerrell Lee 《权欲 第二季》剧情简介:The series follows James St. Patrick, nicknamed "Ghost", owner of a popular New York City nightclub. In addition, he is a major player in one of the city's biggest illegal drug networks. He struggles to balance these two lives, and the balance topples when he realizes he wants to leave the drug ring in order to support his legitimate business.


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