
《零时2007[电影解说]》是英国 上映的一部优秀的电影解说 影视解说 类型影视作品,主要演员有:杰拉尔丁·麦克伊万 格雷·怀斯 佐伊·塔珀 萨弗蓉·布罗斯 艾伦·戴维斯 艾琳·阿特金斯 朱利安·山德斯 汤姆·贝克 朱莉·格雷厄姆 《零时2007[电影解说]》剧情简介:

  Marple is visiting an old school friend, Lady Camilla Tressilian, along with an eclectic group: Neville Strange and his wife Kay, his former wife Audrey and her childhood friend and cousin Thomas Royde, Ted Latimer and finally Freddie Treves, a retired solicitor. When Treves is found dead the day after a dinner party at Lady Tressilian's home and Lady Tressilian herself is found bludgeoned to death a short time later, Miss Marple must sort through the complex set of relationships among all the players, and determine what role the tale of a child's crime may have had to play in the deaths.




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