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粉雄救兵 第八季5.0

类型:真人秀 欧美综艺 综艺 美国 2024 

主演:乔纳森·凡·奈斯 卡拉莫·布朗 安东尼·波罗夫斯基 谭·法郎士 鲍比·伯克 


粉雄救兵 第八季剧情简介

《粉雄救兵 第八季》是美国 上映的一部优秀的真人秀 欧美综艺 综艺 类型影视作品,主要演员有:乔纳森·凡·奈斯 卡拉莫·布朗 安东尼·波罗夫斯基 谭·法郎士 鲍比·伯克 《粉雄救兵 第八季》剧情简介:The Fab Five return to New Orleans to jazz up the lives of their heroes - one emotional makeover at a time. From a coach and teacher to Deaf students struggling to realize his value, to a Bayou-born outdoorsman looking to reignite the spark in his marriage, expect more laughter and tears as Queer Eye continues to transform lives and celebrate the power of kindness.

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